Instant Lemlist
workflow automation

Icebreakers, open rates, subject lines and follow ups... We know your struggles, we use lemlist ourselves!

So you're in best hands 🙌

  Guillaume Moubeche CEO of lemlist Alexander Alimovs Founder of

Supercharge your lemlist replaces repetitive work with automated workflows that can check in with you for direction when human decisions are required.

Automate your manual work

We integrate your existing apps and automate repetitive work, so you can focus on things that truly matter.

  • Connect apps and automate your everyday work
  • Build workflows that can request manual approvals
  • Document processes as collaborative workflows
  • Design multi-step forms with the built-in form builder
  • No coding required, automate workflows in minutes

Popular lemlist automations

When Calendly meeting is booked, stop emails

Update Pipedrive deal stage when lead responds

Add email responses to Google Spreadsheet

Triggers & Actions

Trigger is an event that starts your automation. Action is what automation will perform.

Email Opened
When email is opened.
Email Clicked
When user clicks inside email.
Email Replied
When user replies to an email.
Email Bounced
When email is bounced.
Email Send Failed
When email fails to be sent.
Email Unsubscribed
When email has unsubscribed.
Lead Interested
When lead is marked as interested.
Lead Not Interested
When lead is marked as not interested.
Add Lead to Campaign
Adds a lead to a specific campaign.
Stop Emailing a Lead
Adds an email address to the unsubscribed list.
Get Lead By Email
Gets all the information of a specific lead .
Mark Lead as Interested
Marks a lead as interested.
Pause Lead
Pause lead from all campaigns.
Resume Lead
Unpause lead from all campaigns.
Delete Lead from Campaign
Deletes a lead from a specific campaign.
Remove Email from Unsubscribed List
Deletes an email address from the unsubscribed list.
Delete Lead from Campaign
Deletes a lead from a specific campaign.
Remove Email from Unsubscribed List
Deletes an email address from the unsubscribed list.
Delete Lead from Campaign
Deletes a lead from a specific campaign.

Ready to automate?